Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-05-05-Speech-3-904"

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"I consider it unacceptable that the Member States are not guaranteeing funding for airport security measures that are not provided for in European legislation, and that moreover they are passing the costs on to the airlines, which then make passengers pay. I think it was necessary to go further than the regulation of 2008 and to adopt legislation to ensure that passengers do not bear these additional costs, which may at times prove to be completely unrelated to security charges. That is why I supported the report by my Austrian colleague, Mr Leichtfried, which guarantees greater transparency for citizens as well as airlines, and forces Member States to provide public funding for security measures that go beyond European requirements, since that falls under the national security of each Member State. In the event that the Commission presents a proposal to include body scanners on the list of European methods in order to stop the Member States from funding them, I will again support my colleague and will vote against this proposal, if necessary."@en1

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