Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-05-05-Speech-3-279"

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"− There are quite a lot of positives in this report, despite its being developed in the framework of the internal market, which the European Union advocates. We recognise the underlying benefits of a digital agenda for Europe included in the report, specifically the guarantee of ‘access to cultural products for all citizens’, the guarantee to ‘disabled end-user access at a level equivalent to that available to other end-users’, the readiness for ‘greater investment in the use of open source software in the EU’ and the assertion that ‘particular attention should be paid to rural areas, areas affected by industrial transition, and regions which suffer from severe and permanent natural or demographic handicaps, in particular the outermost regions’. Let us contribute to these proposals. Nonetheless, we believe that a cutting-edge digital agenda rejects any commercialisation of knowledge, education and research. That is why we do not accept the watering-down of the positive goals with the ambiguities and variations of the European single market. Strengthening and promoting a ‘well-functioning’ internal market do not make it more ‘consumer-oriented’, nor do they lead ‘to lower prices’, as they are trying to make us believe. The reverse has been proven to be the case on various occasions, in the full range of the European Union’s activities. That is why we abstained."@en1

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