Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-09-14-Speech-1-144"

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"Madam President, Commissioner, thank you very much for your explanations. Indeed, I think that there needs to be a Community policy, firstly to prevent the fires that are occurring, and we have seen that this has happened throughout the summer. I would also like to say that I wanted to begin my speech by remembering the four firemen who died in June in Horta de Sant Joan, Tarragona, and paying my respects to their families and colleagues. We need a policy of prevention, but also a policy of coordination. We should not forget that there is suspicion surrounding many of the fires that have occurred that they are the result of a speculative policy and development intentions. I therefore think that we need to work in Europe as well to promote security by investigating and standardising penalties for environmental crimes. We should also consider the possibility of pursuing them using a European arrest warrant. The professionals need to be given the necessary resources to be able to develop innovative mechanisms for measuring the weather, winds and temperatures so that they can work under the necessary conditions, because ultimately they are protecting us all."@en1

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