Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-05-04-Speech-1-149"

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"Madam President, we need to reject this proposal from the Commission for three clear reasons. Firstly, they argue that Regulation (EC) No 561/2006, on driving and rest time, covers everyone and therefore there is no problem excluding the self-employed. This is wrong. Driving time represents only half – on average – of the working time of a driver. Those not covered could indeed end up working 86 hours per week, every week of the year. Secondly, the hundreds of thousands of drivers driving vehicles of less than 3.5 tonnes are not covered by the Regulation. Worse still, if they are excluded from this directive there will be no limits at all on their working time. Thirdly, the Commission makes a distinction between self-employed and ‘false’ self-employed, and says it does this because you cannot inspect or control the working time of the self-employed. If that is so, how will they control the working time of the ‘false’ self-employed? This is an abdication of responsibility and an open invitation to unscrupulous employers to constantly search for new forms of ‘false’ self-employment to avoid the law. We need to reject this proposal from the Commission."@en1

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