Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-04-24-Speech-5-027"

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lpv:translated text
"Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, once again I would like to express my appreciation for the way in which Parliament has managed these two issues. It means that the new regulation on cross-border payments will enter into force as scheduled on 1 November this year, and the e-money market will thus have a second chance to take off. In parallel with the directive on payment services, these two pieces of European legislation will make it possible to create a modern, comprehensive legal framework for the Community market in payments and will smooth the path so that the European payments industry will be able to fully develop the Single Euro Payments Area project. This project will offer European consumers and firms a fully integrated payments market that is efficient in terms of costs and is of the highest quality. The Commission therefore thanks – and I do so with particular pleasure – the European Parliament for this latest sign of its commitment to the SEPA."@en1

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