Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-04-21-Speech-2-243"

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"In recent years women’s dignity and calling have taken on a new dimension. This is particularly noticeable within the framework of Community horizontal policies defined in the Lisbon Strategy, demographic challenges and efforts to achieve a work-life balance, as well as moves to combat violence against women and people trafficking. The report on gender mainstreaming in the work of committees and delegations is one of the regular reports of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality which I have had the honour to present to Parliament on two occasions during the legislative period. Although some people welcome the growing presence of women in the European Parliament, the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality deplores the fact that women are still insufficiently represented in the senior functional bodies of the Parliament. At the general directorate level the representation of women is still insufficient. We support the creation of networks of officials in secretariats, committees and delegations specially trained in this issue, with the aim of regularly exchanging tried and tested procedures. The report calls on the general secretariat to continue implementing an integrated work-life strategy and to facilitate the career progress of women officials. The report emphasises that gender mainstreaming is a positive development both for women and for men and that the requirement for gender equality must make itself felt through a practical approach which does not pit women and men against each other. The Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality stresses the need for committees and delegations to have suitable instruments at their disposal for ensuring maximum awareness of gender mainstreaming. We need indicators, data and statistics grouped according to gender, and we also need budgetary resources to be allocated from a gender equality perspective. We call on political groups to take account of gender balance when nominating persons to senior roles. The gender mainstreaming report is the result of cooperation between parliamentary committees and the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality. As Chairman of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality and rapporteur I would like to thank you sincerely for this work. I would especially like to thank my fellow Members on the various committees who were responsible for this work. The work has been unanimously adopted in committee and I value that highly. The committee has created a new methodological model which makes it possible to evaluate the work of every parliamentary committee. The model is described in detail in the explanatory statement. The evaluation would certainly have greater evidential value if all of the committees and delegations of the European Parliament had responded. Within the framework of the discussions a number of amendment proposals were adopted, increasing the significance of the report. I value the fact that the report was created through pluralistic parliamentary discussions and has stressed the importance of this topic. In the context of the European elections I would like to stress the importance of voters of both genders making an effort to ensure that women are represented at the European Parliament in the greatest possible numbers."@en1

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