Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-04-21-Speech-2-093"

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"Madam President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, I have already said in a smaller round that this debate on the energy package is not necessarily an issue of black or red, left or right. It is, however, full of ideology. We have seen this again today. I would like to bet my fellow Member from Germany, Mrs Harms, that in four years’ time we will not be tabling a fourth package, but will be managing with the instruments that we have: regulating the market, making the grids more accessible – things that have already been successful in the Federal Republic of Germany. It is possible to see positive examples. I am in favour of us simply keeping things as they are and using the instruments that have been given to us, ensuring that they are implemented. Secondly, I would like to argue in favour of the newly founded Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators receiving and utilising definitive powers and applying best practice from the Member States. If that happens then I have no doubt that we will achieve a good result."@en1

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