Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-04-01-Speech-3-029"

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". Mr President, there is no doubt that Russia now has its fair share of the global economic crisis. Just this morning I heard on the radio a penetrating report from St Petersburg on medicines that are unaffordable and thus unattainable for the average Russian citizen. The latest forecasts by the World Bank point to even stormier weather for the Russian economy. What are we to make of the gloomy prediction that, by the end of this year, more than 20 million Russians could fall below the subsistence level of RUB 4 600 (approximately USD 185)? Indeed, Europe and Russia both face the urgent need for resolute action to tackle the crisis. Priority, therefore, should be given to joint efforts to improve the global economic climate. Yet these require mutual confidence, something I wish to emphasise as, regrettably, the Kremlin’s foreign policy stands squarely in the way of this. One example is the crisis in Moldova, which continues and is becoming even more complicated, and is not being helped by Igor Smirnov. Another example is last week’s renewed in Ukraine. In short, the lack of mutual confidence stands in the way of joint efforts. With its report, Parliament is sending this honest, clear message to the Council and the Commission for the negotiations with Moscow and, I sincerely hope, is facing Russia with its head held high."@en1

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