Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-03-25-Speech-3-315"

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"Mr President, I would also like to join in the cries of ‘good news!’ voiced by Mr Yañez-Barnuevo García because I believe that this report marks a turning-point in relations with the United States. A good friend said to me recently that she had been in the United States and she had been surprised by the lack of knowledge regarding the new institutions and the new procedures created by the Treaty of Lisbon. If I had to praise something, to give a very positive assessment to one thing in the excellent report produced by Mr Millán Mon, it is precisely this: that it places transatlantic relations within the orbit of the Treaty of Lisbon for us and sets out all the major mechanisms provided by the Treaty of Lisbon so that the European Union can maintain relations on first-name terms with the United States. It grants us, as Europeans, the tools we need to be able to articulate this European wish, which was so necessary in the past, continues to be so today and will doubtless be so in the future. I would like to give my congratulations too to Mr Millán Mon on the excellent report that he has produced."@en1

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