Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-03-24-Speech-2-522"

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"Madam President, I am sorry that there is not a bigger audience in Parliament today, because we are debating what is in fact a very, very successful protocol, which has brought about very positive results both for the environment and for health, and in progress with restoring the ozone layer, which has now returned to its pre-1980 levels. Iodomethane (methyl iodide). I should like to thank all those who took part in this evening's debate for their very constructive comments, and to remark that the Commission is committed to exercising the powers vested in it and examining whether the preconditions apply for the inclusion of a further three substances by mid-2010. A statement on this will be submitted to the Secretariat of the European Parliament for inclusion in the Minutes of today's debate. I should also like to remark that I believe we shall reach an agreement on combating climate change in Copenhagen at the end of this year which is at least as ambitious and successful as the Montreal Protocol. I trust that it will be even more effective and we must all work in this direction. To close, I should like to say that the Commission is particularly satisfied with the outcome of the negotiations and is in a position to accept in full the proposed compromise amendments. The Commission confirms its intention to consider by 30 June 2010 the inclusion of additional substances in Part B of Annex II to the Regulation, in particular evaluating whether the conditions for their inclusion set out in Article 24(3) are fulfilled. This accelerated examination will focus on the following substances: Hexachlorobutadiene 2-Bromopropane (iso-propyl bromide)"@en1
"Blokland report (A6-0045/2009 ) A6-0045/2009"1

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