Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-02-03-Speech-2-210"

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"− The gas crisis which we have just survived has clearly demonstrated once again how important a secure, reliable and cheap energy supply is for the EU. It is disturbing that nuclear power is suddenly being promoted as ‘climate friendly’ as part of the energy debate and that reactors which have come to the end of their useful life and which have had millions in subsidies spent on decommissioning are suddenly being reactivated. This is probably a result of the fact that the EU ignored the gas dispute and left the Eastern Member States in the lurch. This is a lesson for the future. We must reduce our energy consumption, although critics doubt whether the compulsory introduction of energy-saving bulbs will achieve this, and we must push for the use of alternative forms of energy. However, while the focus of the budget is on nuclear power, this will never happen and new energy technologies will be marginalised. Although considerations relating to the security of the EU’s energy supply are important, they must not result in support for Turkey’s entry into the EU for reasons of energy policy. Even if Turkey does not become a member, the planned oil pipelines will still be able to pass through Turkey and it will still be possible to implement the gas infrastructure projects."@en1

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