Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-02-02-Speech-1-048"

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"I once again note with regret that, whereas the status of the Italian and Hungarian minorities in Slovenia has been regulated in an exemplary manner and each minority has its own representative in the Slovenian Parliament, Slovenian minorities do not enjoy the same kind of support in the countries in which they live. Despite the treaty signed in Budapest, there is no political will in Hungary to allow the Slovenian minority to have its own representative in parliament. Moreover, the latest reports indicate that the only Slovenian museum in Hungary is to be closed down because of funding cuts. Yet this museum is the Slovenian minority’s only centre of cultural life in Hungary and has received only EUR 16 000 in funding. While Slovenia earmarks EUR 14.5 million a year for its Hungarian minority, Hungary earmarks a mere EUR 400 000 a year for its Slovenian minority. For this reason, we justifiably expect the Hungarian Government to improve its financial and political support for the Slovenian minority. The financial crisis cannot be used as an excuse to cut funding allocated to minorities, whether in Hungary, Italy or anywhere else."@en1

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