Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-12-15-Speech-1-230"
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"I would like to thank you for the debate. I think that the arguments in favour of the proposal have come from many sides. I have nothing to add to them. A question was put, however, about the method of determining the figure of one million. Allow me, therefore, to touch on this very briefly. In the first place we had the experience of the previous periods and secondly there was the relatively challenging effort to simplify the system without disrupting its overall equilibrium. Therefore the idea of a specific limit was proposed and at the same time the Commission carried out a study into these questions. Based on these ideas and also on the recommendations of 3 July 2008 from the working group on structural activities, the Commission specified in the proposal an amount which, as I have heard in the debate, is generally regarded as acceptable."@en1
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