Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-12-04-Speech-4-010"

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"Mr President, as you see, Mr Solana is absent. However, the main subject of today’s debate is that we want a consolidated report on the trialogue. As part of the trialogue, the Commission, which has now spoken in detail, has already finished its work, at least in large part for the time being. Discussions are being held on key issues between the Council and Parliament. This morning a great many Members who are not involved in these discussions as rapporteurs or in any other role would have the opportunity, here in plenary, to hear the state of play and to exchange their views on it – that is also why the Conference of Presidents wanted this debate. I have heard that the flight from Paris has just landed. Mr Borloo is on his way here. I am already of the opinion that we should suspend the debate until Mr Borloo is here, then hear the Council and after that continue our discussions, for I do not want this to be a show event. I want to hear the state of play from the Council this morning. The Council would like Parliament to negotiate a whole package by the end of December in an extraordinary procedure. That is fine but then he should please be here on time to submit his view to Parliament. Afterwards we can discuss it."@en1

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