Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-11-20-Speech-4-192"

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dcterms:Is Part Of
lpv:document identification number
lpv:translated text
"The Commission wishes to collect and exchange passenger information at EU level in order to combat crime and terrorism. Included in the information that is to be collected and made available to crime prevention authorities are aircraft passengers’ credit card numbers, plane seating requests, contact details, baggage information, frequent flyer information, language skills and the age, name and contact details of any person accompanying a child on a journey as well as that person’s relationship to the child. This type of mass recording will undoubtedly result in the infringement of privacy. The proposal does not take account of the often lauded but seldom applied principles of subsidiarity and proportionality. We welcome the fact that the European Parliament is critical towards the Commission’s proposal and would like to point out that it is doubtful whether this type of EU legislation is required. We have therefore voted in favour of the European Parliament’s resolution, as it disassociates itself from the measures proposed by the Commission."@en1

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