Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-11-18-Speech-2-037"

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"Mr President, one of the most important tasks which has faced and continues to face the common agricultural policy is to ensure the agricultural self-sufficiency of the individual European Union states. Reading the conclusions of the review, I see that the changes it proposes include most of the mechanisms intended to improve the situation with production in individual markets. This is a good thing. Nevertheless, I am concerned at the lack of agreement on an overall change in the approach to aligning subsidies for all states of the EU at the same level, which would promote healthy competition within the Community and outside it. Actually, the review has confirmed the fact that protectionist attitudes towards national agricultures by the so-called old EU Member States in relation to those of the newly acceded States still persist in the European Union. The fact that I am yet another speaker making this point indicates the seriousness of the problem and the Commission’s continued disregard of it. It is very important that Parliament has also noted the unfairness of the initial allocation of milk quotas. It is a good thing that, however timidly, we are now attempting to deal with this problem."@en1

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