Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-10-21-Speech-2-321"

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"At an extraordinary summit meeting on 1 September, the European Union committed itself to resume negotiations with Russia over a new partnership agreement once Russian units had withdrawn from Georgian territory to their positions of 7 August. In order for the Union to keep its word and to show that it is a consistent partner, the single criterion for starting talks should be an assessment as to whether or not the Russian units are behind their positions of 7 August. Russia has not yet fulfilled this condition. The resumption of talks must not under any circumstances be interpreted as our consent to Russian policy in the Caucasus and the continuing de facto blockade on talks over the future arrangements for the region. We must draw a firm line between the resumption of talks and their further continuation. The agreement on partnership and cooperation is a key document for cementing our relationship with Russia. The new partnership agreement is necessary both to the Union and, I believe, even more so to Russia itself. A new agreement which improves the existing text both qualitatively and quantitatively is a precondition and, at the same time, a reflection of the quality of our relations with the Russian Federation. It is therefore essential to make our position and our values clear during the negotiations. I believe that, following an objective and unanimous assessment showing that Russia has withdrawn to its positions of 7 August, the European Union should commence negotiations, as promised. The continuation of negotiations, however, must be conditional on, at the very least, a clear undertaking from Russia that it will not use force against Georgia or any other of its neighbours and that disputes affecting our shared neighbourhood will be resolved with the agreement of the European Union. The litmus test regarding our continuation of talks with Russia must be the readiness of Russia to find a common approach to solving the problems of the Caucasus, Ukraine and Moldova, rather than proceeding on a unilateral basis with the use of force."@en1

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