Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-09-24-Speech-3-411"

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"Mr President, we are today debating the growing number of obese people. At the same time, the Committee on Agriculture is debating the future agricultural policy. In a sense, both these debates concern the same issue, namely the health of our society and of young people in particular. It sometimes seems to me that in certain documents we lament health problems whilst in others we promote GMOs, cloning and importing food from regions where it is produced using methods far removed from natural ones. In the framework of the WTO, our negotiators want further opening to markets outside Europe. We should ask ourselves whether we really care about our society or whether we are simply paying lip service. Most of the direct payments to agriculture go to large agri-business concerns that produce food with a high chemical content rather than to family farms producing healthy food. Clearly, this report is sorely needed, but the main findings it contains must be implemented. In the light of the Commission’s current priorities, I seriously doubt that this will be the case."@en1

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