Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-09-03-Speech-3-120"
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"Mr President, I reverted to type for this report, and voted against. I would like to detail some of the reasons why.
I have a huge amount of respect for the rapporteur, Mrs Svensson, who has done a lot of work in this area and is one of the strongest female role models that this Parliament could put forward. However, certain points in the report – some of which were voted down – were almost beyond belief. There were the calls for the gender thought police in paragraph 9. There was the challenge to traditional gender roles in paragraph 13 and, in paragraph 14, something approaching a hatred of new images on the internet.
Male and female forms have always been used in advertising. The male forms tend to look better than mine and the female forms tend to look better, say, than some Members of this House. That is advertising for you. Even the European Commission – if you look at its website, or any of the publicity it drapes upon its buildings – uses images of men and women who are slightly better-looking than the average."@en1
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