Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-09-02-Speech-2-536"

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"Mr President, if the protection of biodiversity is a priority of the European Commission, then there should be no talk of cloning. I would like to hear the arguments in favour of cloning animals for food. Are we to be guided solely by economic considerations? What about the ethical, social and health issues? Before we decide to allow such food to be sold on the EU market, we must have our citizens’ permission for such a step. I myself am not sure I would be able to swallow a pork chop from a cloned pig or milk from a cloned cow. Instead of genetically modified food and food from cloned animals, we should be thinking more about action in favour of a return to natural foods that are ecological, healthy and contain no chemicals. Let us leave cloning in the realm of research. In my opinion, the road from the laboratory to the knife and fork of the European consumer is still long, because there are still too many question marks. And because there are so many questions still unanswered, I am convinced we should not act hastily in this matter. Nor should the Commission act against the opinion of Europe’s citizens. Even if food products derived from cloned animals were allowed on the EU market, I am convinced that, if they were clearly marked and people had to take a conscious decision to buy them, they would not find too many takers among EU consumers. If we introduce products derived from cloned sheep, poultry, goats or cattle, we shall destroy the image of the European agricultural model, which sets such great store by protection of the environment and the wellbeing of animals."@en1

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