Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-06-18-Speech-3-996"

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"I voted against this report, which in purporting to lay down common rules for the internal market in electricity is in fact proposing to dismantle the heritage of Europe’s traditional operating networks. Separating electricity production and electricity distribution will in my view provide no additional guarantees as to the efficiency, security or accessibility of the network, particularly in the present situation of a sustained growth in global electricity demand and major uncertainty over resources. This latter factor calls for even greater structural investment in order to safeguard our supplies and promote research and innovation, a prospect that seems to be largely incompatible with the philosophy of strong competition and short-term profitability that underlies the decision to move towards the total deregulation of this sector. The ‘third way’, which is supported by the French Socialists but regrettably was not adopted, appears to be a much more sensible solution since it allows us to preserve the patrimonial integrity of Europe’s large energy groups while at the same time placing the organisation of electricity distribution in the hands of independent regulators. Nevertheless, I welcome the progress that this report represents as far as consumer protection is concerned, particularly the introduction of rules for combating energy poverty and for ensuring transparency and accessibility to information for the end user."@en1

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