Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-02-19-Speech-2-140"

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lpv:translated text
". Combating terrorism will be the challenge of this century. Resolute action against the machinery of propaganda is therefore the first small step in a bid to curb the spread of terrorism among the autonomous Islamic subcultures that exist throughout Europe. We must face the fact that terrorism in Europe is purely Islamic in character, and that radicalised Muslims are completely immune to integration measures. Radicalisation is on the march in Europe, and the political classes often seem to be in denial to some extent when it comes to these issues. For this reason a strategic approach to the fight against terrorism is necessary and, indeed, crucial to guarantee the survival of Europe, its peoples and its cultures. Efforts should begin with young people, but they must also show a degree of willingness to play their part. Abrogation of all human rights – which, as we know, is already practised in some cases in the United States – must not of course occur in Europe. Nevertheless, it will be essential to be tough on terrorism. All unlawful content found in the new media must, of course, be treated like any other illegal statement, and its authors must be prosecuted and punished."@en1

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