Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-11-14-Speech-3-025"

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"Mr President, it is in the interest of the EU to have a strong, fair international trading system under the auspices of the World Trade Organisation. It is not acceptable, therefore, that the Doha talks should revolve solely around further concessions by the EU regarding agriculture, which, after all, accounts for only 5% of world trade. What about the other 95%? Could surrender be the issue here? To my mind, Commissioner Mandelson is too willing to back down where EU agriculture is concerned. At present he is advocating a 46% import tariff cut in the agricultural sector. But, as President Sarkozy said yesterday here in Parliament, we need to maintain our domestic sources of food. America, for example, has so far not given any ground whatsoever in the matter of agriculture. The recently published US agriculture bill suffices to demonstrate the point. We need to move forward in the world trade talks in the fields of industry, trade, and services. The average tariff 4% in force in the EU stands at 4%, whereas the equivalent rate in Asia and South America is 30%. Once the Indian and Chinese markets have been opened up in the software and telecommunications sectors, there will be a chance to bring about progress driven by competition. In addition, simplification should apply not just to customs procedures, but also to future trading arrangements."@en1

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