Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-11-13-Speech-2-161"

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"As a former teacher of physical education, I will be supporting the Schmitt report because it addresses not only the need to ensure that physical education is taught in schools but that Member States must also ensure adequate training for physical education teachers. All too often, particularly at primary school level, the PE lesson is conducted by a non-PE specialist normally in a hall that doubles up as a dining room or a theatre, particularly at Christmas time. If we are to be serious about combating child obesity, if we are serious about improving child health and if we are serious about getting children away from video games and into sport, we must provide better facilities for physical education in all schools and ensure that the teachers have the specialist knowledge to teach the subject. For far too long PE has been a minor subject, particularly in primary schools, and lessons are often cancelled at the first whiff of rain. This has led to a generation of children being created that is the most unfit generation ever produced. Health and physical education is as important as maths and sciences, yet you would not know that if you entered many of our schools."@en1

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