Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-10-23-Speech-2-021"

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"Mr President, it says this is a contribution, but it is more like a recipe, a recipe for the harmonisation of yet more taxation, which I quote here and there from the report: ‘27 different tax systems’ are an ‘impediment’; ‘coordination of Member States’ fiscal policy’; ‘calls on the Member States to ... ensure greater fairness in the distribution of the tax burden’; ‘supports’ the Commission in gearing ‘fiscal policy towards ... environmental objectives’; ‘increase in fuel taxes’; ‘establish a pan-European ... corporate tax base’. In short, it is back to the failed policies of the 1970s. In any case, even the British cannot get it right for all of our country. North is not the same as the south, Wales and Scotland are different to the south-east – and that was under Gordon Brown as Chancellor for 10 years. Surely you listened to him; after all, you did at Lisbon last week when, as Prime Minister, you let him keep the red lines, did you not? Or you? Later in the report, it talks about ‘EU-wide coordination’ of ‘direct taxation’. In the UK, we thought we had been promised that harmonised taxes, especially income tax, would never come. Now, here it is in a report. It is a bit like the Reform Treaty. Gordon Brown keeps on saying it is not a constitution, when all the EU leaders say it is: Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Angela Merkel, even our own President of President said so in this Chamber a short while ago. So why do you not get Gordon Brown to tell the truth to the British people? Harmonise that message! Now, that is harmonisation I would go along with. But you dare not do that to the British people because, when they are told the plain unvarnished truth, they will vote with their feet, right out of the EU, taking their annual EU contributions of EUR 18 billion of their own taxpayers’ money with them. What price harmonised taxes then?"@en1

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