Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-07-11-Speech-3-384"
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Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, I wonder whether the Commission and the Council are here to pull our legs. I intend to ask the Presidency if I can have a recording of this part-session, because I believe that playing it in Africa will explain better than any words the absolute and utter indifference of the Council and the European Commission to the problem of access to medicines.
All the groups are putting this question to you concerning a regulation that has been in force for three years but not once implemented; are you replying that this regulation will allow developing countries access to medicines? But it has not allowed it for three years! What, do you have a magic wand? That is as far as the Council is concerned.
The Commission tells us: ‘We have worked so hard to reach this agreement’. But if it does not work – regardless of whether a large or small amount of work has been done – the agreement must be amended or in any event we need to find other ways to make progress.
The Commission and the Council also talk about ‘asking the pharmaceutical firms to offer lower prices for the south of the world’, which amounts to saying: ‘Let the pharmaceutical firms themselves do a good deed, because we are completely unable to guarantee a right’. They also talk of ‘increasing local production capacity in the south of the world’. But how? There is endless talk of the transfer of technologies, but absolutely nothing is being transferred to the south of the world. These regulations hinder production!
They are just fine words, and then you come here to say that the Millennium Development Goals are being achieved in this way. It seems to me that there is a total lack of interest on the part of the Commission and the Council in the issue that we have raised."@en1
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