Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-02-14-Speech-3-051"

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"Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, the committee has very successfully reconstructed the activity that the CIA, with the active or passive cooperation of the Member States, carried out on EU territory. We know, for example, that the same aircraft made 99 flights between Frankfurt and Ashkhabad in totalitarian Turkmenistan. Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Jordan and Libya were also important destinations, and President Bush has recognised that there were secret prisons outside the United States. There is some soul-searching, involving internal investigations, going on in the Member States. A state of affairs that, a year ago, was only hinted at has now come sharply into focus. That constitutes considerable progress. If we do not manage successfully to combat terrorism through lawful means, we cannot set an example to others, either. This is important. We must achieve a better balance between society’s demand for security and the rights of the individual. We cannot win the fight against terrorism by no longer protecting human rights and so bringing about a state of affairs desired by the terrorists."@en1

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