Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-12-11-Speech-1-065"

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"Mr President, on 22 June 2006 the Commission presented a communication in response to the crisis of overproduction in the European winegrowing sector, recommending the grubbing-up of 400 000 hectares of vines in the next five years, that is, almost 12% of the European Union’s 3.4 million hectares. I want to draw your attention today to the existence of illegal vine plantations in Europe, which are thought to cover an area of 150 000 hectares in the European Union as a whole. According to the Commission’s own figures in a March 2004 report, these illegal vine plantations are equivalent to an output of 5 to 8 million hectolitres at a time when European overproduction is put at 12 million hectolitres. The permanent grubbing-up of these illegal vines would allow a measure of balance to be restored. Before any decision on grubbing-up is taken, I therefore call on the Commission to determine the precise scale of these illegal plantations."@en1

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