Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-11-15-Speech-3-019"
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"Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, nine months after it was adopted at first reading, the European Parliament is tying up the Services Directive, known as the Bolkestein directive, by approving the Council's common position with no amendments. This is a victory for social democracy, won over to economic ultraliberalism.
With the exception of non-commercial services of general interest, nothing escapes the liberalisation of services: even social services are not completely excluded from the Gebhardt report. Ladies and gentlemen, you are deceiving the people. This directive will not put an end to social, fiscal and wage dumping. Clever, dishonest service providers will continue to exploit national legislation, and to use the weak points in the directive by relying on the sectoral directives.
For example, more than 100 000 construction workers are posted in France on temporary contracts, most of them undeclared. There is lawful social dumping going on with regard to responsibility, because posted workers remain part of the social security system in their countries of origin. In such cases, labour law is being flouted legally.
Finally, we are opposed to the mechanisms to assess national restrictions on the cross-border provision of services, as they represent an unacceptable monitoring of the Member States by the Commission, and an excessive level of Community bureaucracy.
That is why we will vote against the Gebhardt report."@en1
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