Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-09-25-Speech-1-105"

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"Mr President, I wish to thank all those colleagues who contributed to this report in the hope that it will be adopted. Especially those, of course, who agreed with most of my ideas. As regards subsidiarity, I think my views are somewhat different. We are not talking about a directive here, but rather about a strategic proposal. Therefore, we should not water down our demands at this time. When the time comes to draft directives, we will face a long process of negotiation in any case. By the way, I have met with representatives of European cities and local authorities and with staff members of Eurocity, who came to see me at the European Parliament building. What they expected from me was precisely that binding measures be included as much as possible so that they can carry out their environmentally-friendly ideas better with support from the European Union, since there are obviously other interests to be considered in the cities. It is also very important not to let this strategic proposal get lost in the shuffle. That is why in one of the paragraphs I have put forward the need for a follow-up on this report within the framework of intra-institutional consultation. Luckily, this proposal had the support of all the parties in the House. I am therefore asking Commissioner Dimas to allow me the opportunity next week or at another time to discuss how to proceed with the follow-up of this report, beyond its adoption by the European Parliament."@en1

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