Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-07-05-Speech-3-194"

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"Mr President, this debate would be amusing if it were not so serious. We can never justify the means we use to beat terrorism by claiming that the ends are noble. We cannot defend our values by abandoning them and I suspect that some of the people involved in today’s debate would much rather we abandoned our values just to prove themselves right. It is regrettable that, for party political reasons, some Members are not willing to recognise what everybody else sees, not just in this House but outside it. Illegal renditions by US agents have taken place. Some EU Member States’ services have colluded in those renditions, either passively or actively. The cross-referencing of witness statements and Eurocontrol records has established that some EU states have serious questions to answer and have so far refused to come clean. This inquiry must therefore continue. Parliamentary investigations are necessary, particularly in countries like my own, Ireland, where it has been established that 50 CIA flights have landed at Irish airports and that the aircraft used to transfer Abu Omar illegally from Italy to Egypt, via Germany, also landed at an Irish airport. We have good reason to believe that Abu Omar was in fact tortured in Egypt. So it is quite ridiculous for Members in this House to argue that this inquiry should not proceed. The Irish human rights body, a government-sponsored body, has called on the Irish Government to establish a legally enforceable regime of aircraft inspections, which at the moment does not exist. It has also called for a legally enforceable regime whereby diplomatic assurances from third countries can be challenged in law. The Irish Government has so far refused to do this. These are issues that need to be addressed and the Irish Government and its agencies need to be cross-examined by this committee, as, indeed, do many other Member States."@en1

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