Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-07-03-Speech-1-124"

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". Mr President, I wish to begin by thanking Members for their comments and observations. We had the opportunity to cover some of the ground two weeks ago when I met the Committee on Legal Affairs to discuss the annual policy strategy. Let me repeat that I welcome the report as Parliament’s contribution to setting priorities and developing a strategic perspective for further action. As I said, we shall shortly be publicising how we will carry forward the priorities identified. Some issues were raised and I note in particular the difference of opinion on a number of areas, for example as regards ‘one share, one vote’. I am very conscious of the debate that took place on this matter before I became a Commissioner, and Mr Lehne’s advice that we should await the publication of the study is probably best. Looking back over what has been said here and the great debate that has taken place previously on this issue, I think this has emphasised that throughout Europe there are different cultures and a different ethos regarding both company law and corporate governance. That is a fact that we should all bear in mind, as I will certainly do in whatever I recommend in this particular area. I think that was also brought home by what other speakers said, such as Mrs Berès, who spoke of moving towards a certain degree of European harmonisation in some of these areas. It would be very difficult to harmonise company law measures in the European Union because of the different cultures and traditions and the different ways that have developed in many of the Member States. The situation is not the same in every Member State, and I shall certainly be taking that into account in whatever proposals I bring forward and in whatever I decide is the best and most effective way to do things on a Europe-wide basis. It is important to remember the different areas of conflict that we have had in the past and I certainly will take them into account too in whatever recommendations I bring forward."@en1

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