Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-05-31-Speech-3-043"

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"Mr President, personally, I find it very positive and very encouraging to see, at last, a European head of government pleading, committing himself and even campaigning, in an excellent book that I recommend to you, for a revival of European integration. These days that deserves acknowledgement. Prime Minister, we agree with your observations. Europe is experiencing a crisis of vocation, a crisis of inspiration, and, faced with this situation, the European Council cannot simply extend for a year the period of reflection. It is not a wild rush forward that people need. What the nations of Europe expect from their politicians is that they put forward a vision and outline perspectives. Here I should like to say a word about those perspectives. Firstly, we have, as you keep on repeating, an urgent need for economic governance for Europe. We have the euro, that is fine, but it is not enough. If we want to create growth and employment, we all know that we have to go further and coordinate our economic, budgetary and fiscal policies. Secondly, we have an urgent need for new common policies: I am thinking of research and development, I am thinking of defence, I am thinking of the question of energy and its supply and production, and I am thinking also of the question of migration and codevelopment. On each of these questions, it would be completely unrealistic, and even misleading, to think or to give the impression that appropriate answers could be found at national level. Furthermore, we also urgently need a strengthened European presence in the world in order to create at last a new balance. In order to achieve all that, we shall obviously need to draw up a new Constitution that is shorter, simpler, clearer and refocused on the great principles on which our Union is founded. This text will have to state who we are and what values and what political project we are defending. Prime Minister, you have understood what we are expecting from the next Council. It is that, for once, Heads of State or Government should put aside their political scheming and ulterior motives in order to place themselves, quite simply, at the service of the general European interest as a matter of urgency."@en1

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