Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-04-27-Speech-4-144"

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"Mr President, on the subject of the Prets report, I believe it to be a platitude to say that cultural diversity has to be promoted. We have hitherto been concentrating far too much on promoting cultural diversity, especially among the Muslim immigrant population, albeit without, on the other hand, ensuring that our own culture is recognised in the countries of the Islamic world. Things have come to such a pass that their culture is attempting to force ours, even in our own countries, to yield place to it. It is not just a case of Western culture being put under pressure by demands for such things as headscarves for schoolteachers, but also of Muslim immigrants becoming ever more hostile to Christian symbols and traditions. In the meantime, a misconceived tolerance and ideological multiculturalism are resulting in the building of more and more minarets, and our own linguistic culture, too, is being undermined by school classes in which over half the pupils are foreigners. These are disturbing developments, and I do not believe that the Unesco convention takes such things into account."@en1

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