Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-03-16-Speech-4-032"

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"Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, first of all I would like to congratulate my colleague, Mr Trakatellis, on his fine report. In the Commission’s new Community action programme in the field of health and consumer protection for 2007–2013 the Commission has emphasised the European Union’s important role in reducing the number of illnesses, that is – and I would emphasise this – in the field of serious diseases. Cardiovascular diseases, as we all know, are without a shadow of a doubt one of the main causes of death in Europe. Each year two million European Union residents die as a direct result of these diseases. The decisions taken by the Council during the Irish Presidency were – and continue to be – a good start in our efforts to prevent cardiovascular diseases. I therefore believe, like many others of my colleagues here, that in this legislative document cardiovascular diseases ought definitely to be mentioned too. We should call a spade a spade. I would therefore like to call on my fellow Members to support Amendments 142 and 143, which make it clear what can be considered to be the main diseases in Europe, against which we must work together by putting in place prevention, screening and treatment. Thank you, Mr President."@en1

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