Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-03-13-Speech-1-118"

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"Mr President, more and more entrepreneurs are enticed eastwards by the prospect of low payroll costs and what appear to be better production conditions, and, since such a relocation costs a great deal of money, it is understandable that they want this decision to earn them funding from the EU. To date, this has mainly affected the sectors that are labour-intensive and need little technology. There is now evidence of an increasing tendency for research and technology to do likewise, and so now, of course, we can no longer shut our ears to the sound of alarm bells going off. It must be dawning on even the most optimistic among us that the multinationals do not care whether they exploit the environment, force small and medium-sized businesses into bankruptcy, or leave mass unemployment in their wake. EU funds and national aid can do no more to change that fact than can guarantees of seven-year permanence that are scarcely worth the paper they are written on. Whether Member States should be in solidarity or competition with each other is no longer the issue. What is now at stake is the mere survival of our European economy, which is made up of more than just big businesses, whose various relocations we are supposed to fund, but also of small and medium-sized enterprises, that are equally in need of promotion and support, and have been waiting for it for too long."@en1

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