Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-02-16-Speech-4-129"

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". The EU has a unique responsibility and opportunity where this matter is concerned. It alone can satisfy the two conditions for putting these new mechanisms in place: critical size and political will. The text submitted to us does not, I am afraid, live up to this expectation. Admittedly, this resolution supports in principle the new sources of development funding by emphasising the need for these funds to supplement traditional public aid, and not to replace it. This position of Parliament is, however, very half-hearted. The support is reluctantly expressed, and the central concept in this debate - a ‘global tax’ to fund development - is passed over in silence. The various projects on the table today, relating for example to taxation on financial transactions, CO2 emissions and arms sales, are not mentioned. No reference whatsoever is made to ‘Global Public Goods’, which these mechanisms should fund as a priority. Given that it is a first step in the right direction, I will vote in favour of this draft resolution. I do, however, want to see it encourage swifter and more far-reaching action aimed at practically implementing these new tools at European level."@en1

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