Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-02-16-Speech-4-114"

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". The European Parliament has undoubtedly marked the history of European parliamentary democracy today with its vote on the so-called Bolkestein Directive. By reconciling the irreconcilable - the position of France and of Poland, that of the ETUC and of Unice and that of the progressive socialists and of the non-dogmatic liberals - this vote represents a step forward towards a citizens’ Europe. It is a step forward towards a European Union that refuses to compromise when it comes to social dumping, but that does not, for all that, forget about eliminating the protectionist barriers to the freedom to provide services and to freedom of establishment. Yes, our Parliament has come out of this vote with increased stature. Not only has it totally fulfilled its role as legislator by, for instance, doing away with the country of origin principle, but it has also been able to avoid the trap set by a coalition of Eurosceptics and overcautious ‘No’ men who, suffering from a bout of memory loss, seem to have forgotten that, on 1 June 2004, we were celebrating European reconciliation. By putting particular emphasis on a policy of friendly cooperation with our friends from the ten new Member States, we have done nothing short of bringing down a new Berlin wall – in our heads this time, and long may it last!"@en1

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