Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-01-16-Speech-1-035"

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lpv:translated text
"Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, now is the time for Austria, for the second time since its accession to the European Union in 1995, to hold the presidency, in which capacity much will be expected of it in terms of initiatives. I thought it was particularly good news that, just before the beginning of the Austrian Presidency, some of the export refunds for live animals were at last done away with. I now want to appeal directly to the presidency, and in the strongest terms, to urge it to abolish all export subsidies for live animals in short order, while, in the medium term, imposing restrictions on live animal transports within Europe and ultimately to establish that animals are a core object of European legal protection. Even today, even in Member States of the EU, all kinds of animals are being transported or kept under appalling conditions – one example recently reported by an Austrian animal welfare organisation was in an animal sanctuary in Italy. This sort of thing needs to be stopped with the utmost speed."@en1

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