Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-12-13-Speech-2-388"

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"Madam President, first of all, I should like to express my deep respect to the rapporteur for her work on this truly difficult job. The current status of discussions on the infrastructure costs directive is more or less satisfactory. The most welcome results are primarily due to the pressure by Parliament and the Committee on Transport and Tourism and, within our institution, to the refreshing, committed approach of the rapporteur and also, in particular, my fellow Members towards the left and in the centre of this House. In any case, the ‘Eurovignette Directive’ signifies a decision for the future, which we see as moving towards a more people-friendly and environmentally friendly transport policy, as indeed it must. In this regard, it is of course essential that the Directive be usable – apart from the peculiar German derogations for lorries weighing 3.5 tonnes or more mentioned by Mrs Lichtenberger – and that tolls be permitted not only on roads forming part of the trans-European transport network, but also on diversion and parallel routes. In particular, however, the inclusion of external costs was much more important and indeed should have progressed faster. This would have been a major step; one that we unfortunately failed to take."@en1

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