Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-10-13-Speech-4-102"
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Claims about safeguarding standards and improving education through evaluation are an insult which is being hurled directly against any previous standards of higher education. It is a basic tool for the privatisation and commercialisation of education and research and aims to create two-speed institutions, with centres of 'excellent' and second-class institutions.
The register of public and private evaluation organisations and companies is nothing but a concentrating mechanism of the ΕU, which will determine and control the adaptation of higher education to the interests of the monopolies. The outcome will be the further subjugation of education and research to the needs of the market and their conversion to 'products' provided by university 'businesses', in a bid to increase their customer base, especially from an international student elite.
Evaluation means downgrading rather than improving the quality of universities and makes provision for them not to fulfil their social mission, but to increase the profitability of capital through opportunistic study and research subjects tailored to the market.
The balanced development of scientific sectors and the response of universities to their social role are a matter for the university community, in cooperation with the grass-roots movement, not the subject of revision and control mechanisms with private-sector economic criteria. That is why we are voting against the report."@en1
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