Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-09-06-Speech-2-369"

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"Mr President, I am not a paediatrician nor am I a pharmaceutical industry expert but I have some expertise in that we have two small children: Oliver, who is three and a half years old, and Emilie, who is eighteen months. To Mrs Grabowska I would like to mention, by the way, that fathers do actually go and buy medicines for their children: I did last time on Saturday at the Genvall pharmacy. I support the proposed regulation and I also support Mrs Grossetête’s excellent report, and I wish to raise three brief points with regard to it. The first, which is something we all know, is that research into medicinal products for paediatric use is not good business. It is not profitable and for that reason not enough is done. In my opinion, this proposal for a regulation is an incentive for further research, and should be supported. My second remark is that the six month supplementary protection proposed by the Commission and Françoise Grossetête is a good thing, as at present we rely too much on the use of medicines intended for adults as medication directly adapted for children. That is not a good thing. My last point is that I think it is ultimately a question of whether we conduct clinical research or learn through our mistakes when children have received the wrong drugs. I would support the first option. By the same token, the Commission and Françoise Grossetête’s report deserve our full support."@en1

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