Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-06-07-Speech-2-182"

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"Mr President, the European Commission’s proposal represented a commitment to enlargement and, at the same time, to its aspirations to turn our economy into a centre of growth and development, to overcome the technological gap with the United States, to increase our presence on the world stage and to confront the new challenges of terrorism and organised crime. And this is despite the fact that the proposed distribution of the costs of enlargement is neither fair nor balanced, as demonstrated during the parliamentary debate, and that is why we have presented an amendment that I hope will be supported by a majority of the House tomorrow. While I applaud the efforts being made by the Luxembourg Presidency, I must express my concern about the direction of some of its proposals, which tend to please the Member States whose attitude is the least flexible to the detriment of others. The Council would do well to take account of the clear signals being sent by the European Parliament, particularly with regard to cohesion policy. We want sufficient funds, we want the reuse of funds left over from the convergence objective by the countries with the greatest capacity for absorption, and I hope that tomorrow we will approve an amendment calling for political compensation for those countries and regions suffering a sudden loss of funds. Mr Schmit’s fine words, for which we are certainly grateful, must be translated into a clear commitment to cohesion. Thinking realistically, I believe that we all agree that the Union currently lacks political leadership, but what will be put to the test on the 17th is the ability of the Heads of State or Government to do their duty. And it would be profoundly irresponsible on the part of the Council not to reach an agreement at this time."@en1

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