Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-06-06-Speech-1-069"

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". A possible solution for the assurance of security of the gas supply at the cross-country level has been on our minds for quite a time, as well as the solutions for the security and diversification of the supply to the Baltic region of the European Union. The speaker has also noted this matter in her speech today. Two projects have been included in the priority list of the guidelines under consideration, that is, the Northern Trans-European gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany and the Yamal-Europe transit gas pipeline route to Germany via Belarus and Poland. The list of projects of general importance includes the Amber Project, a gas pipeline from Russia to Germany via the territories of Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. Naturally, the specific routes of pipelines result from particular agreements between the gas companies and the countries concerned; however, I would like to point out that the Northern Trans-European transit gas pipeline project partially disregards the interests and needs of all European Union states along the pipeline route that are concerned with the supply of gas. The 2nd project of the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline fails to meet the provisions for gas supply safety as it crosses the territory of Belarus, and we should remember the blocking of the gas supply via Belarus in February 2004. We need an additional merger of the gas system of Eastern and Western Europe so as to ensure the safe provision of natural gas to consumers, to create a common and functioning gas market and satisfy the growing need of the European Union for natural gas in the mid- and long-term outlook; therefore, I propose to enter the Amber Pipeline from Russia to the European Union into the first appendix of the list of general significance projects, that is, the list of priority projects, as a possible alternative for Yamal II, while passing a new decision concerning the Council and European Parliament project. Such a merger complies with the priorities set out in the Community guidelines in 2003 and indicated in the project under deliberation. Such a gas pipeline route would also make a sound contribution to the settlement of security problems of the European Union and the Baltic region in particular."@en1

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