Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2004-09-16-Speech-4-015"
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"Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, the issue we are discussing today, or rather which we are unfortunately discussing, has two dimensions. One would appear to be obvious in this House, namely whether an EU Member State has the right to prevent an act from being committed on its territory if it is a crime under the laws of that country.
This issue seems to me to be completely clear-cut. We want a Europe in which each country is able to lay down laws for its own territory and use every means to uphold those laws. In my opinion and in that of my colleagues, the Portuguese Government was fully entitled to prevent a ship bearing death and crime from entering its territorial waters and reaching the Portuguese coast.
Of course this debate has a further dimension too, as a speaker from the Left quite rightly noted. That Member was absolutely right to point out that this debate is also about the way in which contemporary Europe treats unborn children. The fact that in many countries the fundamental right to life is not respected is deeply shameful for today’s civilisation and today’s Europe.
Praise God, since the recent European elections there is an increasing number of Members in this House with the courage to proclaim that unborn children do have the right to life, in Europe and the world over. It is a very welcome fact that there are now a great many more people in this House who do remember the words of our Saviour 2 000 years ago, when He said: ‘As you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me’.
These words have underpinned human civilisation for 2 000 years. They must never be forgotten!"@en1
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