Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2004-03-09-Speech-2-160"
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"The report before us contains the first measures on the application of the Regulation governing the statute and financing of political parties at European level, adopted in June 2003. The report determines which Parliamentary bodies are competent to allocate public funds to European parties.
Although in the past I supported the Regulation, I cannot now endorse the content of this report. The report entrusts the allocation and management of Community funds to the Bureau of the European Parliament, on the grounds that the Bureau is already responsible for funding issues concerning the internal organisation of Parliament. This is clearly not a convincing argument.
Article 3(c) of the Regulation treats the funding of parties as an entirely political question. The allocation of Community subsidies depends on political loyalty. The interpretation of this does not entail all the necessary guarantees of impartiality – far from it.
It is therefore totally unacceptable to make the Bureau responsible for deciding on requests for or the suspension of public funding. The Bureau is a bureaucratic body where only certain political tendencies are represented. As this is a political issue, the Conference of Presidents should be entrusted with the necessary powers, as it is an openly political body."@en1
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