Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2004-02-12-Speech-4-136"

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"Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, Cambodia, I am sorry to say, is certainly not making progress. In the elections the Cambodian population showed greater political and democratic maturity than was demonstrated by the country’s leading political forces. And incidentally, Mr Mann, not only politicians from the Sam-Rainsy party are being shot dead in the streets; my research has revealed that three members of the governing Funcinpec party have met with the same fate. In other words, rather rough customs prevail, and the normal rules of etiquette for dealings between Government and Opposition are not observed, which means that anyone who has made himself unpopular for whatever reason is in grave danger. It is, in fact, the case that impunity continues to act as an incentive to eliminate unpopular politicians, whatever their origins, because the assassins do not have to face the consequence of their actions. Public trust in politics has been seriously damaged. Even on the odd occasion when a person is charged, nobody normally believes that he is the real murderer. As well as having a huge impact on morale in the country, this situation also severely restricts the flow of international aid. The Asian Development Bank does not intend to resume its payments unless the new Parliament, which was, of course, elected some time ago, is convened soon and a new government is formed. This is actually the crux of the problem, and influence must be exerted to change the situation. At the time of the peace process, the UN specified that a two-thirds majority was required for a party or coalition of parties to form a government. Parties are now unwilling to assemble the broad coalitions that would fulfil this requirement. In practice, it has become a barrier to normal political life in Cambodia. This is where influence must be exerted to create political conditions that are truly conducive to improvement. This is the spirit in which the planned delegation should conduct its talks."@en1

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