Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2004-01-13-Speech-2-049"

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"Mr President, I congratulate Mrs Almeida Garrett, whose report has, in my opinion, done a good job in providing a clear and concise analysis of the entire set of issues concerning the agencies, amongst which I would very briefly highlight the following, because of their relevance: the urgent need for the Commission to clarify the appropriate legal instrument for defining the framework of general conditions governing the creation of these agencies, which would avoid the risks to which Mr Medina Ortega referred; the need for Parliament to be fully and permanently involved in appointing the members of the administrative board and in monitoring the activity of these agencies; the crucial need to monitor the legality of the actions undertaken by the regulatory agencies and by their administrative boards in line with the provisions of the draft Constitution drawn up by the European Convention. We hope that the Commission will take account of the proposals made in Mrs Almeida Garrett’s report, drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, and once again I offer my congratulations to the rapporteur on the excellent work she has presented to us."@en1

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