Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-11-19-Speech-3-202"

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"Mr President, with ‘big’ issues like Italy’s domestic policy dominating the EU debate, other points of the compass can get pushed into a corner. It is for such reasons that the Northern Dimension is still awaiting its big breakthrough. Its importance is revealed, however, when we look for example at the risks associated with nuclear power in our neighbouring country, Russia, or its recent internal policy. The stability of Wider Europe depends, furthermore, very much on whether we can achieve effective regional and cross-border cooperation. As has been said here, when the EU enlarges, the Baltic Sea will grow in importance and hopefully at the same time so will opportunities for more solid cooperation in order to enhance its ecological and political future. I would just like to remind everyone here of the perils associated with Russian oil consignments, which are very much on the increase. This action plan is a useful survey of the key regional challenges but it is completely lacking in any strategic view of the areas of focus that should be promoted, in particular concrete and measurable short- and mid-term objectives, or how cooperation with the various intergovernmental, NGO and other existing forums should be exploited to achieve them. Finally I would like to raise the separate matter of the status of the EU’s only aboriginal people, the Sami. They should have considerably more political influence than they do. The original means of livelihood and way of life of the Sami should be protected, which also means resolving local issues of land ownership and use in a manner that is satisfactory, as hard as that might be or painful to do. Will is the crucial element here too, however."@en1

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