Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-11-06-Speech-4-032"

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"Madam President, Commissioner, I share Mrs Smet’s view that the great challenge in the socio-political area too has to do with enlargement. The introduction of the EU’s socio-political legislation on the working environment and labour law will mean a very great deal for wage earners in the new Member States. It will also, however, mean something for the present Member States. The risk of social dumping between our countries will be much reduced, something that is incredibly important. Another important issue in connection with enlargement is the dialogue between the two sides of industry. In many of the new Member States, there is no dialogue up and running, and no employers and employees used to participating together in the socio-political agenda. A third issue is the Lisbon cooperation, which we must review and stick to. This must not, however, mean that we do not put forward proposals in new areas, for example in the area of the working environment in response, for example, to atypical jobs. We must therefore cope successfully both with enlargement and with new risks and new socio-political challenges."@en1

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